The Separation Between Church and State
We live in a country where everyone has the freedom to practice the religion of their choice, it is part of the bedrock that this nation was founded on. The First Amendment of the US Constitution spells out this freedom in law; however, it also establishes a wall to separate Church and State. Paule's decision to use taxpayer money for an event with a stated objective to "Worship and Fellowship" is not only illegal, but it opens the city to legal action from several organizations such as the ACLU (American Civil Liberty Union) and the FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation). Both of these organizations will defend your right to freely practice religion, but also will defend the separation of Church and State.
Paule Villard's public marketing insisted that this event was to honor members of the clergy who helped those impacted by COVID get vaccinated and provide other assistance; however, there is little to no evidence to show that this had any impact to the residents of North Miami Beach as the local and federal government worked hard to make vaccinations freely available to residents of North Miami Beach.
The video below was created by the City of North Miami Beach on the direction of Paule Villard and it is overwhelmingly clear that the focus was religion and worship, not an event to thank faith leaders. The event even included a portion in which several religious leaders prayed over Paule Villard in what can best be defined as a cult ritual.
Paule’s event even included a portion in which several religious leaders prayed over Paule Villard in what can best be defined as a cult ritual.
It does not matter what your religious views are, this sort of event should never happen on government property, nor should it be paid for with your tax dollars.
Paule Villard’s “Clergy Appreciation Brunch” was paid for entirely with taxpayer funds, the total amount we have been unable to obtain from the City of North Miami Beach despite making a public records request for them